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 Elusive People

Who was the father of James McKinlay?

James McKinlay (born 1823) was illegitimate but his mother, Margaret McLaren gave him his fathers name. All efforts to trace his father have failed. James junior was born in Newburgh and his father was described as a tailor. Margaret was chastised at the Kirk Sessions for fornication with James McInlay but his son always spelled his name McKinlay.
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Who was the father of James Grant

James Grant, born in Fyvie in 1845, was the son of James Grant and Catherine Fyvie - but we aren't sure which James Grant was his father. We believe the father was from Fyvie parish but there were two James Grants who could be the father. One was single, the other married, so for the moment we have assumed that the father was the married James Grant who lived at Silverlea Asleid, Monquitter.
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 Mystery Photos

The unknown soldier

A picture kept by Margaret Harrison but no-one knows who he is. His cap badge is Durham Light Infantry. It has been suggested that his uniform is of an officer in World War I. The photograph was taken in Newcastle. Who is he? Was he a Harrison? Did he survive the War?
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